Note: My blogs are for everyone from all walks of life, as I try to be respectful to others. This is part of my ongoing research into the unexplained, and what comes to mind while I summarize below is to just be "Be excellent to each other.” ~ the Bill & Ted movies ~
1531 – Mexico
“On December 12, 1531, Our Lady again appeared to Juan on Tepeyac Hill and told him to pick the Castilian roses which miraculously appeared there and bring them to the Bishop as a sign for him to believe her request. Juan gathered the roses into his tilma and brought them to the Bishop."
"He opened the tilma to show them and, to everyone's astonishment, the Image of Our Lady appeared on it. The Bishop then built the church as Our Lady had requested and ten million natives were converted and baptized to the one, true faith within the next 10 years. Human sacrifice ended in Mexico forever. Our Lady of Guadalupe, which means Crusher of the serpent's head, brought the light of the true faith, crushed the false gods of Mexico, and established an era of peace."

On my channel, there is a video for Our Lady of Guadalupe where I mention imprinting. Imprinting is what Mary/Fatima/Angels/God have the power to do and can imprint on anything, anywhere, as I have witnessed. The underlying message matters, and it’s been the same in various wording, cultures, etcetera.
1879 – Ireland
"August 21st is the anniversary of the Blessed Virgin Mary's apparition at a small village church in Knock, Ireland, in 1879. Known as Our Lady of Knock, it is a major Marian apparition approved by the Church and the one dearest to the Irish people.
The date on which Our Lady appeared had deep significance. Thirty-four years earlier, on the very same day, "The Great Hunger" had begun—a horrible time in which the potato crop, a primary source of food for the Irish people, failed. The famine that resulted was catastrophic. The starving people ate their potato seed in order to survive and then had nothing to plant come the following year. (You can read more about the famine and its effects here.)
Our Lady's miraculous appearance was a great consolation to those who suffered through the terrible famines and extreme hardships of that epoch in Ireland's history. Although it was a silent vision—Our Lady of Knock did not speak a single word—the peace and healing she brought was real and lasting.
What are the details of the apparition?
The Story of Knock began on the 21st of August, 1879 when, at approximately 8 o’clock in the evening, fifteen people from the village of Knock in Co. Mayo, witnessed an Apparition of Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. John the Evangelist, a Lamb and cross on an altar at the gable wall of the Parish Church.
The Lamb of God standing on an altar surmounted by a cross is a symbol of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. St. John was standing with a gesture of teaching while holding a book, presumably the Book of the Revelation, in which he described his vision of the heavenly liturgy.
According to an article published by the Knock Shrine:
The witnesses watched the Apparition in the pouring rain for two hours, reciting the Rosary. Although they themselves were saturated not a single drop of rain fell on the gable or vision. There were fifteen official witnesses to the Apparition, most of whom were from the village of Knock and surrounding areas and ranged in age from just 5 years old to 74 years old. Each of the witnesses gave testimonies to a Commission of Enquiry in October 1879. The findings of the Commission were that the testimonies were both trustworthy and satisfactory.
The vision lasted for approximately three hours before fading."
This vision shows a circle of protection, orbs are circular, while the lamb represents innocence, kindness, and forgiveness.

1917 – Portugal
"The story of the Our Lady of Fatima miracle begins on May 13, 1917. Three peasant children, Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia were tending to their family’s sheep. The children under 10 years old were blessed with the presence of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus. In Portugal, she is also known as Fatima. The children saw this beautiful woman dressed in white and standing above a bush. The Virgin Mary told the children that world peace would occur if they spread the godly message of prayer."
There were six apparitions, and the fifth one, which occurred on September 13, 1917, caught my attention. "On this day, people gathered to see if Mary would show and white rose petals fell from the sky. As the witnesses touched them, they disappeared. Sister Lucia asked Mary to cure the sick and she responded that God could not cure those who were not healed."
On June 15, 2018, my yard in North New Jersey was transformed into a magical scene, as if white rose petals were falling from the sky, showering us with Orbs and a bright, fluffy substance that is difficult to put into words. No matter how many times I reached out to touch these mysterious pieces, they seemed to vanish as quickly as they appeared. While there were no ghostly figures around, I experienced a series of dreams that conveyed a powerful message about unity. It felt like a reminder that each of us is a unique spark of light, and when we come together, we create an incredible brilliance. This made me think of the nostalgic Coca-Cola commercial from 1971, where the catchy tune "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)" echoed a beautiful sentiment. It gives me hope that perhaps we are on the brink of a time when we can truly embrace that harmony together.
The sixth apparition is even more fascinating!
"The sixth and final miracle, the Miracle of the Sun, occurred on the 13th of October, 1917. This was essentially in response to the prophecy made by the three children. The children told the people in the village to come out and witness it, even the skeptics. There are reports of over 70,000 people being in attendance."
"According to various witness accounts, the rainy sky cleared up, and the ground that was wet from the rain became dry. The sun appeared “dancing around” and “zig-zagging” in the sky within broken clouds, giving it the name of the Miracle of the Sun. Some say that the dancing sun even appeared to fly closer to the earth and then quickly jump back into its place. Others also mentioned multicolored light and radiant colors all over the sky. They said the Miracle of the Sun lasted for at least 10 minutes. The children were then finally believed by the people of Fátima."
I, too, have witnessed strange occurrences regarding the sun, and I have two videos on my YouTube channel about them. I also shared a peculiar occurrence over the summer when my son and I were in the kitchen when everything outside went pitch black. It was brief, like someone had flipped a light switch or your power goes out briefly when it's storming. We just stood there staring at each other in disbelief. The sun went off, then went back on again, and then I went online and started searching for the news, but no one reported anything. It was a localized phenomenon; only he and I shared this experience, like the sun dancing, which was not witnessed anywhere else in the world.
Note: This is one of my older videos, using the A7r II camera which has since been upgraded twice with newer lenses.
1981 – Yugoslavia (the country my father is from).
"In Medjugorje, a tiny village in the former Yugoslavia, six people claim the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing to them for more than thirty three years. Her messages are an invitation for all people to return to God. She says the times we are living in are a time of grace which has been granted by God. She brings us messages which call us to prayer with the heart, conversion, peace, faith, love, penance, and fasting. Our Blessed Mother’s messages are to guide us to salvation and are for the entire world, not for any particular country, race, or religion. She is truly a Mother and a Mother that loves all of her children."
"The First Apparitions
It began in Bijakovici, a part of the parish of Medjugorje, on a hill behind the village called Podbrdo. On June 24, 1981, the Feast of St. John the Baptist, two children Ivanka & Mirjana allegedly saw a woman in the form of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on Podbrdo, with a radiant light around her hovering above the ground, holding an Infant in her arms. Later, another child, named Vicka, joined Ivanka and Mirjana. Vicka was scared when she was told to, “Look at the Virgin”, and she ran for home. On her way home, she ran into Ivan and his friend, also named Ivan. Upon hearing her story they thought she was crazy, but on seeing her insistence and sincerity they decided to have her take them to the place where she was. When they got there, they saw the woman too with the child in her arms. The woman motioned for the children to come closer, but they did not, because they were frightened."
"The second day, four of the children, Ivanka, Mirjana, Vicka and Ivan whom had seen the woman the first day, and Marija Pavlovic and Jakov Colo, decided to return to the same spot where she had appeared. Many of the villagers followed the children. When the six children arrived, they saw a flash of light followed by the appearance of the same woman. They described her as beautiful beyond any human description. She was joyful and invited the children to come closer. Those who watched the children run up the hill, toward the woman, testify that they were amazed at the speed at which the children were running and could not keep up with them. It was as if something had lifted and pulled them through the air, above the thorny bushes and sharp stones. On this occasion, she spoke with the children and prayed with them. The six children present at this apparition were the ones whom continued to see her from this point forward. They were: Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, Marija Pavlovic, Ivan Dragicevic, and Jakov Colo."
"On the third day, one of the children, Mirjana, asked her name and she replied, I am the Blessed Virgin Mary.” Another one of the children, Vicka, sprinkled holy water on her and said, “If you are the Blessed Mother, please stay, and if you are not, go away from us.” Our Lady smiled lovingly at them, which the children understood as indicating her pleasure at having secured their faith in her presence. Thus began the longest known apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and they claim that they continue to this day."
Note the radiant light surrounding the Blessed Virgin Mary as she hovers above the ground.

Conversion is about what’s in one’s heart: kindness. The frequency at which we vibrate matters. But that’s difficult, I know, as we have good days and bad days. We are faced with challenges, heartaches, attacks, trauma, and so on. As I’ve said repeatedly, we are human and not perfect. But we are working our way towards it the best we can. If we mess up, we say sorry and clean out our hearts to feel lighter and remember kind deeds go a long way. Those who allow their divine spark to become muddy, go cold, grow even darker they will be weighted down by their actions, their frequency lowered. Daniel 5:27 "God had weighed Belshazzar's moral and spiritual character and determined that it fell short of the standard of His righteousness."
1973 – Japan
"With ties to Fatima, Our Lady of Akita relayed a similar message of repentance and prayer to a Japanese religious sister. The apparitions began June 12, 1973.
On June 12, 1973, Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of the Handmaids of the Eucharist began receiving heavenly visions in a convent located in Akita, Japan. At first she saw angelic beings worshiping the Eucharist, but then on July 6, 1973, Sasagawa saw a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary speak to her, relaying a powerful message similar to what the three shepherd children received in Fatima, Portugal.

The statue soon after began to bleed and tears started to flow down her cheeks. Around 2,000 people witnessed the tears coming from the statue and the liquid was gathered and sent to a laboratory for testing. A professor from the Akita University Department of Biochemistry studied the liquid, as well as a non-Christian forensic specialist, Dr. Kaoru Sagisaka. The blood was confirmed to be of human origin, as were the tears.
After a lengthy investigation, the local bishop, John Shoojiroo Ito of Niigata, approved the apparition to be of supernatural origin and "worthy of belief."
Sister Agnes witnessed a bright light emanating from the tabernacle in the chapel and then again within the chapel, along with seeing a mysterious red light. I have nighttime video of what appears to be a portal in my backyard when an object bursts forth.

1980 – Nicaragua
“Since he was a child, Bernardo Martinez had worked as a sacristan, sweeping, dusting, and washing the linens for his parish in the little town of Cuapa, Nicaragua. One evening in April 1980, Bernardo went to ring the bell to alert the parish to pray the Rosary. Upon entering the church, he noticed a light glowing around the statue of Our Lady. He thought the boys playing outside might have knocked a shingle off the roof, letting in light. When he got closer, he realized that the light was emanating from the statue itself."
"On May 8, 1980, Bernardo was on his way home from fishing when he saw flashes of lightening. Suddenly, a beautiful woman appeared to him floating on a cloud. The lady opened her arms, and rays of light flowed forth. She said to him, "I come from Heaven. I am the Mother of Jesus." She told Bernardo that she wanted people to pray the Rosary every day at a set hour with no distractions. She wanted people not to rush through it but to recite it while meditating on Scripture. She also encouraged the Five First Saturdays devotion, as she did in Fatima, warning, 'If people do not change ... they will hasten the arrival of the Third World War.'"
"In his vision on June 8, 1980, Bernardo witnessed the history of the Rosary unfold before him. He saw a procession of saints, whom he later believed to be Dominicans, dressed in white and praying the Rosary while meditating on Scripture."
"Then in early September, Our Lady appeared again in the sky, but this time she had the appearance of a very young girl. Bernardo told her that the townspeople wanted to build a church in her honor. But she said, 'The Lord does not necessarily want a material church. He wants living temples, which are yourselves.'"

"On October 13, Bernardo received the final apparition of Our Lady. Bernardo told her that many of the people did not believe in her. This made Mary cry, so Bernardo asked for her forgiveness. Again, Our Lady encouraged him to pray the Rosary, and she told him that the people should not just ask for peace, but that they should strive to make it for themselves. Mary also implored Bernardo and all people to accept the suffering of the world and ask for strength to carry their crosses. Though she said that she would no longer be appearing to him, Mary told him, 'Do not be troubled. I am with you, even though you can't see me. I am the Mother of all.'"

Living temples… I like that a lot...
Embodying sparks of life that connect us to the world around us. Whether we immerse ourselves in nature by hiking through lush forests, swimming in the ocean, listening to a gentle stream, or gazing at the stars, we can discover this vitality. It also manifests in simple acts of kindness—a helping hand, a comforting shoulder, or sharing a meal with a friend. The essence of who God is or isn’t remains a personal journey for each of us, guided by our free will, yet the timeless message is clear: treat each other with kindness. When we falter, experiencing anger or betrayal, Mary/Our Mother/Maryam/Any Female Deity in various cultures and beliefs reminds us of compassion and love, encouraging us to reflect, learn, and move forward. For those enduring suffering, she grieves alongside them, existing in a realm beyond our own, offering the comfort of a warm and nurturing mother's embrace.
The complete list of Marian Apparitions is found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Marian_apparitions